Sunday, April 24, 2011

If you are in need, then Christ certainly has the answer!

Good morning to all on this Easter morning. He arose on this day 2000 years ago so that we could be free from the bondage of sin! Hallelujah! God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world! I am cooking our Easter dinner which we will pack up and take to Violet today. Aleron is on call so I plan to stop and bring him Easter dinner too on the way to church. Waine and I are hunkered down and enjoying a very peaceful Sunday  morning with smells of dinner wafting through the house.  ET is still hospitalized but feeling better. The Kong household is thriving and we eagerly await Hailee's first birthday. Hey, Waine and I are thinking about organizing a cruise to Argentina and Chile. The cruise also goes through the Falkland islands and lasts 10 days. The cruise starts in Santiago Chile on 1/27/12 and ends in Buenos Aries Argentina on February 12, 2012. Sounds like a blast. You should consider going.

I am continuing my journey in 2 Timothy 4 verses 9- 22 "Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry. I sent Tychicus to Ephesus. When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments. Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message. At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus. Erastus stayed in Corinth, and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus. Do your best to get here before winter. Eubulus greets you, and so do Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brothers and sisters. The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you all." Amen and amen!

Paul was lonely for Timothy, who as a son, was of great comfort to Paul. He, Timothy, had stayed true to the test of persecution throughout Paul's incarceration for preaching the message of the Good News to the Gentiles. You can see from Paul's remarks many had abandoned the Gospel of Jesus Christ because when the going got tough, they got going.  It is also interesting that Paul's insight for those that had purposefully attacked him personally for the sake of the Gospel. I am a firm believer that God will reckon with those that attack His children when His children are in His will. I am also a firm believer that when you are in situations and are trying to spread the Gospel and you are met with resistance and maliciousness, you should sake the dust from that place from your shoes when you leave. God commands us to do so and then God takes care of them for their disobedience. When God fights your battles, they are fought indeed and the victory is already gained! I am not the type of Christian that looks at the Bible as a fairy tale. I take the Word of God literally and as such I practice what the saints of old practiced.

I am also a believer in intercessory prayer, which is why I ask for your prayers for others. I do believe when we pray as a team the work of the Holy Spirit can be accomplished! God does not want us to suffer. In fact He wants us to have the life abundant that was possible before SIN entered our lives. As Christians we are in a sense back in the Garden of Eden, talking with God. Christ went through hell and back so that we could experience the life of abundance that has been promised to us so on this day claim what is rightfully yours!

On a final note, don't be afraid to ask for what you need from other Christians. Paul certainly didn't have a problem telling Timothy to bring things to him that would give Paul comfort. Paul's coat because winter was coming. Paul's reading material so that he could keep his mind occupied. Paul's parchments so that he could continue his writings. We are to trust and serve one another so that the Spirit of Love through Christ can be shared!

As you go about your day today, in worship, in song and in praise remember that it is Easter every day of the year because you are a child of God and He loves you and will take care of your every need. Like Paul, if you need a winter coat then just ask one of your brothers and sisterds in Christ.  If you need friendship, just ask. If you need sustenance, just ask, If you need healing, just ask. If you need protection from those trying to harm you, God's got your back. We are to be free to experience the abundance of what God has to offer. Christ died for us to have this opportunity. He rose again so that the opportunity was assured!

Now may the LORD bless you and keep you; may the LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace!


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