Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Freedom and not Fear!

Good morning to all on this bright and beautiful Wednesday morning. Waine and I had a great experience last night. We had dinner with the Japanese Ambassador to Jamaica and his lovely wife, Yoko. I had never been to a state dinner so the ceremony surrounding the meal was just as fascinating to me as the meal itself which was prepared by a Japanese chef who was trained in the culinary arts in Italy. We had a little Asian-Italian fusion thing going on. The company was delightful and their Koi pond was also wonderful. The Ambassador and his wife actually built it themselves to bring a little bit of home to this assignment. I was blessed among measure and thanked my husband profusely for this opportunity he created on the golf course.

Medical Note: The fat around your waste is called toxic fat. That is the fat that will kill you. Not the fat on your thighs or your butt but the fat around the middle. Do what you can to get rid of that fat.

We are going to finish Matthew today and it has been a labor of love for me. Matthew ends with verses 16-20 which is the Great Commission, "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Amen! And SURELY He promised to be with us always, always, always EVEN to the end of the age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are we to FEAR? No man and no situation because He lives and will be with us always.

Jesus made a promise to His disciples. They had disappointed Him, abandoned Him, denied they even knew Him and YET He promised to never abandon them. What merciful love the Savior has for us. I read something yesterday that said we should ask God through Christ daily to release our imagination so that we are FREE to be bold in our vision for our lives and the lives of others. Even as Christians, we become trapped in the FEAR of the day-to-day and more importantly in the TOMORROWS that may never come. The death and RESURRECTION of Christ has freed us from the FEAR we experience. When we allow fear to rule our hearts and minds we are then at that time an instrument of satan. Can't clean it up for you. When you fear you are allowing satan to rule your life and limit your vision. You are not just being practical--you are being an instrument of satan. No one will see the love of Christ in your life when you are ruled by fear. We will not be able to witness the Fruits of the Spirit in our lives when it is ruled by fear. The death and resurrection of Christ has paid the price for us to be FREE to IMAGINE our lives as God through Christ intended. Be at His banquet table today because you are the child of the King. Let His love rest, rule and abide in you today so that you can be about His business of Kingdom building.

To Know Him is to love Him. To love Him, is to serve Him. Be blessed today with unlimited imagination for the abundance that is yours.


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