Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Holy Supplication!

Good morning to all of you from Kingston Jamaica. God is in His Heaven and truly all is right in this world! Yesterday Waine and I attended the funeral of our friend's 17 year daughter. She was a budding golfer and was in Montego Bay finishing 3 weeks of training before heading back to Connecticut for her senior year. She was going to the golf course for an afternoon round of golf and fell out of the golf cart hitting her head. She never woke up on this side of Jordan. How do you comfort someone with that type of loss; parents never expect to bury their children and I tell you my soul was convicted! Waine and I have four healthy and happy children and we are blessed beyond measure. They are the jewels in our crown! If you have children love them today no matter how much they get on your one-half last nerve. Hug and kiss them. Be an example for them today and everyday you draw breath. Our friend recounted a conversation she had with child. Our friend was a teenage mother and her 17 year old asked if her mother regretted having her. Our friend said, "are you kidding I began to live the day you took your first breath and it is me that has grown up with you!" What a beautiful sentiment. There are so many children lost to poverty, crime, violence, drugs and neglect. We don't have to do anything major in our daily life to affect change. Just grab someone today and hug them. It will make a difference. God bless you in Jesus name and this is my spiritual hug for you.

A medical note: Every little bit hurts a little and every little bit helps a little. True of behaviors! Make changes incrementally starting today and stop looking for home runs.

Let's finish Matthew 28, we are very close. I am continuing with verses 11-15, "While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, "You are to say, 'His disciples came during the night and stole Him away while we were asleep.' If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble." So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day." Deceit begets deceit.

Even when confronted with the truth from the soldiers, the chief priests couldn't bring themselves to accept the Deity of Jesus the Christ. There are folk today that have the same problem - they can't bring themselves to trust in the Name and Power of Jesus the Christ. They would rather believe in their own limited power and struggle even though its easier just to believe in Jesus. We are some of "them" folk on a daily basis I am sad to admit. We fret and struggle even when reminded just how far Christ has brought you and me. This is the subtleties of sin and satan. Satan's biggest lie is that you are sufficient in yourself to overcome the world. That is the lie he told to Eve and the lie she told to Adam. Don't believe the hype--the God of the universe is what you need to be sustained which is the lesson He tried to teach Adam. Obedience to His Word is a requisite of our daily living the chief among His commandments is that you look to Him for your sustenance in each moment. That is all I could comfort by dear friend with. God would take care of her grief and sorrow if she commits her being to Him. We neither know the hour or the day which is why God tells us to quit fretting about the future and enjoy this moment with Him! Hallelujah!

Thank you Lord. Keep falling in love with Jesus today!


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